
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Non-permanent Kitchen Backsplash

This is the kitchen back splash in that house we're "renting" (I use the term "renting" loosely since it's actually my parents second home that we're living in while my husband finishes school)
So I'm not saying that I don't like this BUT one thing you may not know about is that I'm a BIG tile nerd! And since I have access to something more fun tile I just had to do it.

I found this board for only Uno dollar at The Home Depot and had them cut it to fit the size.

Painted brown.

My beautiful, amazing, adorable, totally in love with, tile from Walker Zanger. Are you familiar with Walker Zanger? They have the most amazing tile in the world. You can check out their website HERE. The tile I used if from their hand-made Contessa Line.

(I also saw this tile used in the movie Julie and Julia in Julia Child's kitchen in France that kind of sealed the deal)

I siliconed them to the board, with just 4 little simple dots of silicon so I can take them off, semi-easily if I want ( I hope! )

It was so easy and so fast! I love it!

And... then I needed to hang this Kitchen sign I thought over the hood would be perfect.

I was going to hang it with ribbon but the Industrial Chic'sta in me thought chain would be so much more cuter. I got this chain at Home Depot for .63 cents.

I attached the chain with binder rings.

I accessorised with vintage potato smashers I collected over the years.

Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap   up           party!
The DIY Show Off


  1. What a difference! Looks amazing. I'm renting for another year and I think I may just have to try this. Thanks for the tip and have a great weekend!

  2. Such a clever way to get the look you want without commitment. Enjoy!

  3. LOVE Walker Zanger, oh how I miss contempo:-)

  4. Gorgeous! We have an area above the stove too that needs something. Heading over to check out the tile. I love your sign and chain too! Great job! Thanks for linking up to the DIY party! ;)


  5. Okay, you weren't kidding. I just quickly browsed through about 400 tile and know there were a dozen on my wish list! Wow! Thanks for sharing! :)
