
Thursday, May 19, 2011

DIY Camera Bag

I recently got a nikon slr camera and have been looking everywhere for a cute camera bag to keep it in.  Most camera bags are generally boring black, not to mention  "Nikon" or other camera brand embroidered on the bag.  Nothing says "Steal Me, I have expensive equipment inside" like announcing it on the outside of the bag! If I wanted to get a cute one already made, like from Jo Totes, I'd have to fork out mucho dinero.

Enter a little DIY!

I started with this very Cute Lunch Sack Bag from Marshall's for a mere $24!  (But Lauren, that's for lunches, you can't keep your camera in there!)  It's got this great fold over flap, and a drawstring underneath.  Not to mention great pockets on the outside front and back.  

Now I needed to add some padding to protect my camera and 2 lenses.

I got some 1" foam at Joann's, a 2x3 prepackaged foam only cost $2.  I cut foam for the bottom and the sides, and one for a divider.  Then I took some fabric I had laying around and cut it and hand sewed it round the foam.  I didn't bother covering the back side of the foam, since that will be up against the inside of the bag and not showing.  Be sure and cover the sides and top.   Easy Peasy!  

To keep the foam in place I used matching turquoise thread and hand tacked the foam in a few places through the foam and outside of the purse, you can't even see the marks they are so small. 
(You could also use sticky velcro.)

 And Voila!  Functional and cute camera bag for under $30!


  1. On seond thought, I love it so much I'll be featuring it tomorrow in my Darling Day!
