
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Bubble-gum Table

(Pots of lettuce, carrots, and mums)

Somehow I managed to find 15 minutes after spreading mulch and the kids were all occupied with naps or at the neighbors to quickly squeeze in a little spray painting.  


(See how I made this lampshade here)

  I used the same Krylon Bubble-Gum paint that I used for my christmas ornaments  (I got this table forever ago at Michael's for  $10).  
The table was weathered, but brought back to life with this fun pink.

Yay for quick projects.


  1. I LOVE it! Making a mental note to do this someday when I have a bigger house with a yard/patio!!

  2. I love a quick and easy update.

    I've been poking around your blog and absolutely fell in love with your chalkboard/architecture wall. Fab-u-lous, I'm sharing it on my Facebook page.

  3. This is so fresh! I don't have any pink in my house. Your table is making me crave some.
