It took me FOR-EV-ER (insert Sandlot kid here:-)) to decide what to do with this space.... and it wasn't until after I redid my front room in Navy and bright pink (and my husband was ok with it--phew) that I felt confident I could pull off some pink in the family room as well:-)

Sometimes when its hard to pick a color scheme, the fall back is really quite obvious---- choose your favorite colors!!! You already know you love them. The key to not making this room look dark or dreary or cray cray, is by using the colors in small doses and having correct scale patterns. I can't believe it took me so long to fix up this room, since it's the one we're in 99% percent of the time.
I have to include this next pic so you can see my Ikea curtains that I stenciled in coral. I looked everywhere for fabric but couldn't find the look I was going for so I made my own:-) And it's not a great picture but the kitchen light fixture also got replaced (overstock), and it looks 10x better in person!
More things to still tweak/update:
New side tables by sofa and chair.
Throw away love seat and get new chaise or spindle chair.
Get Rug & new carpet.
Address right side of fireplace.
Floor lamp by chair.
Address TV wall (yes I'm a fru-gal, no cable just bunny ears;)
Kitchen still needs major updating but I'm not dwelling on it.
I'm working on my master bathroom decorating as soon as I finish the new roman shade I re-did in my kitchen. So glad kids are back to school so I have un-interrupted time to work on my projects!
Happy decorating!
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